Friday, January 17, 2020

Hunger Games Character Paper

The Hunger Games- Character Paper I read the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The book is about the future and how the central government overrules all of districts, Panem. The main character of the book is Katniss Everdeen. She is a teenage girl who lives in â€Å"District 12†. Her district is known for all the coal mining; she had lost her father when she was younger in mine explosion.After this she had to step up and be the adult. She is very brave and she is very smart. Katniss, the story's narrator and heroine, is 16 years old and has straight black hair, gray eyes, and olive skin. Her father died in a mine explosion when she is 11. Since then, to keep her family from starving in the Seam, she has had to provide for her mother and sister, using the hunting and gathering knowledge that her father taught her.Her best friend and hunting partner is Gale, and, while they spend a great deal of time together, Katniss is sure that she doesn't see him in a romantic light, something that comes into deep question when she is District 12's Hunger Games tribute and must work hard to maintain a star-crossed-lovers facade with Peeta Mellark. Throughout the novel, she remains a hunter and a survivor, â€Å"the girl on fire,† but she is also a girl who is very confused about her emotions concerning Peeta and Gale.Katniss must also remember to hide her true emotions about the Capitol: She loathes the Capitol and its tyrannical rule, but to rebel openly is to ask for punishment, oftentimes death. She is brave and daring and returns home from the Games a beloved star to her district but a menace to the Capitol dictators in charge of Panem. Katniss is very relatable to young girls because of her confusion with boys. This makes Katniss a great main character for the book because who doesn’t love a science fiction book with a relatable main character?

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